Thursday 1 November 2012

Super storm Sandy death toll at 37 in NYC

This article talks about on ongoing super storm located in the north east part of the United states.  The storm is currently hitting the New York state the hardest as it is causing extreme flooding.  At least 37 people have already died from the storm, but the number could be rising as emergency workers search the most effected areas caused by the storm.  It was also stated that nearly 500,000 thousand people are still without power due to the storm.  The whole subway system is shut down in New York due to flooding and unsafe conditions.  The subway system is a tragic loss because it is really the "life of the city" as stated by a reporter in the article.  This article talks mostly about the effect that the storm is having on New York, although is extremely affecting other states and is definitely effecting us here in Canada.  The high powered winds and the heavy rain is causing schools all around to shut down and home all around are being damaged and are loosing electricity.

I believe that this storm is truly a horrible thing, it is effecting everybody's daily life in New York and all the way up here in Canada.  I really feel for the people that ether died or lost someone during this storm, as that is truly a horrible thing.  I really hate the feeling of living through the tail end of the storm in Toronto, so i cant even imagine what it is like in New York.  People are having to go through extremely tough times, as they may not have food to last them, or power to keep themselves engaged.  People may be loosing money through the storm especially  weather they cant work or they don't have the insurance to fix there houses damage. I really feel bad for everyone that is having to live through this storm and hope that no more people loose there lives due to the storm.