Wednesday 26 September 2012

Winnipeg woman's 2004 death not accident, son says

This article talks about a 87 year women who was found dead in her Winnipeg home in 2004.  After a little big the police determined her death a accident and that she fell down her stairs and hit head.  Her son Jessie Garwood believed it at first but then looked into it a little more.  He said to himself that there was only 8 stairs and that the damage done to her could not have happens falling down 8 stairs.  As a autopsy report saw bruising on the back, both hands, a broken arm, 4 broken ribs and 13 wounds to the head.  After years of doing his own research he finally decided to hire his on law firm.  They decided to take it back to court and prove that is was not an accident and more research had to be done to prove who did it.  The last person to ever see her was a girl by the name of Cathy Watson.  This is still a cold case.

I think it is really sad that the police made a very urgent call about the women who they declared fell down the stairs.  To me it doesn't take a genius to conclude you cannot have that much structural damage to your body from falling down 8 stairs.  It must have been very sad for the son and for him to realize this after the police have closed the case must have been hard.  I think that it is a great thing he realized this and the police were willing to open up there investigation again and disclose some information about what they found.

'Bath salts' drug ingredient banned in Canada

This article talks about the new ingredient in a new, highly addictive street drug known as bath salt.  This drug is said to pose a  real and present danger to all Canadians that use this drug.  This is why Canada has banned it throughout the whole country.  It is said this drug can create or cause hallucinations, paranoia and violent behavior.  The police say it is hard to track down, this is because dogs cannot sniff it, and urine screening test can miss it, also it is usually packaged and sold that say it is real bath salts.

I really believe Canada made a great move by banning this drug in all of Canada.  This is because it can pose a threat to not only the person using it but everyone around them.  A person using this drug could affect there driving and there action almost anywhere they are.  Also this drug being legal could lead to people using it that wouldn't if it was considered illegal.  that could really keep someone from starting to use drugs.

Monday 24 September 2012

North Korea agrees to take South Korea aid

 This article talks about North Korea taking aid from south Korea for the first time in two years.  There was a   large tropical cyclone in North Korea.  There were 48 dead and over 21,000 homeless after the storm hit in Late August.  The article states that South Korea were the first to contact North Korea offering aid through the Korean Red Cross, North Korea later accepted.  North Korea is said to have accepted food aid from a private agency.

     I personally believe that this is a huge step forward for both North and South Korea.  The fact that these two countries are still at war and are working together for the safety of the citizens in North Korea speaks volumes.  I believe the best part of the whole article is how it states that South Korea was the first to reach out to North Korea, they clearly saw that N Korea were in some serious need for help and really stepped up to the plate.  I think that this is the first step in repairing the two countries "friendship".

Military to devote $11.4M to boost mental health care programs


The article talks about how the Canadian forces have decided to devote 11.4 of its annual budget on mental health care programs.  Peter McKay stated that "the funding will pay for at least 51 positions, that would included psychological, mental health nurses, social workers, and addiction counselors.    The article also states how this budget will be onto of the 38.6 million dollar budget.  

I personally think its really great that the Canadian army has decided to take better care of the soldiers.  I really think that army has an obligation to take care of the people that are fighting for our country.  These people sacrifice there lives every day so i think the least we can do is expand our budget and make sure they are taking care of.  One thing i really liked is how a large portion of the budget was spent on mental health care programs.  this is because war can lead to mental illness, and if we don't have the right doctors to take care of the soldiers than that is a real problem.

Ruling to take child off life-support appealed to top court

This article talks about a young girl that was physically abused and starved by her parents.  Doctors said that the young girls brain is so severely damaged that she will never regain consciousness.  This article states how the Alberta court system gave permission for the girl to be taking off life support, but has now gone to the supreme court of Canada.  The girls parents have been in jail since this case started and have both given permission to visit there daughter within 20 hours of the ruling that is scheduled to come within a couple of days.

     I personally believe that this girl deserves to stay on life support.  She has clearly been through an incredibly tough life and did not deserve to be treated the way she was.  I personally do not agree with the permission granted by the Alberta court system to give the parents a right to visit there daughter, this is mainly due to the fact that there the primary reason she is on her death bed.  The fact that her parents starved there daughter and physically abused me makes me believe they have no care for there daughter and should have no right to visit them.