Wednesday 26 September 2012

'Bath salts' drug ingredient banned in Canada

This article talks about the new ingredient in a new, highly addictive street drug known as bath salt.  This drug is said to pose a  real and present danger to all Canadians that use this drug.  This is why Canada has banned it throughout the whole country.  It is said this drug can create or cause hallucinations, paranoia and violent behavior.  The police say it is hard to track down, this is because dogs cannot sniff it, and urine screening test can miss it, also it is usually packaged and sold that say it is real bath salts.

I really believe Canada made a great move by banning this drug in all of Canada.  This is because it can pose a threat to not only the person using it but everyone around them.  A person using this drug could affect there driving and there action almost anywhere they are.  Also this drug being legal could lead to people using it that wouldn't if it was considered illegal.  that could really keep someone from starting to use drugs.

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