Monday 24 September 2012

Military to devote $11.4M to boost mental health care programs


The article talks about how the Canadian forces have decided to devote 11.4 of its annual budget on mental health care programs.  Peter McKay stated that "the funding will pay for at least 51 positions, that would included psychological, mental health nurses, social workers, and addiction counselors.    The article also states how this budget will be onto of the 38.6 million dollar budget.  

I personally think its really great that the Canadian army has decided to take better care of the soldiers.  I really think that army has an obligation to take care of the people that are fighting for our country.  These people sacrifice there lives every day so i think the least we can do is expand our budget and make sure they are taking care of.  One thing i really liked is how a large portion of the budget was spent on mental health care programs.  this is because war can lead to mental illness, and if we don't have the right doctors to take care of the soldiers than that is a real problem.

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