Monday 24 September 2012

Ruling to take child off life-support appealed to top court

This article talks about a young girl that was physically abused and starved by her parents.  Doctors said that the young girls brain is so severely damaged that she will never regain consciousness.  This article states how the Alberta court system gave permission for the girl to be taking off life support, but has now gone to the supreme court of Canada.  The girls parents have been in jail since this case started and have both given permission to visit there daughter within 20 hours of the ruling that is scheduled to come within a couple of days.

     I personally believe that this girl deserves to stay on life support.  She has clearly been through an incredibly tough life and did not deserve to be treated the way she was.  I personally do not agree with the permission granted by the Alberta court system to give the parents a right to visit there daughter, this is mainly due to the fact that there the primary reason she is on her death bed.  The fact that her parents starved there daughter and physically abused me makes me believe they have no care for there daughter and should have no right to visit them.

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