Monday 22 October 2012

No bail for teen accused of multiple Toronto sex assaults

A 15 year old boy has recently been charged with connection to a string of sexual assaults in Toronto, Ontario.  Female pedestrians would be attacked from behind by this boy late at night.  Toronto police cannot   say the name of the teen because of the youth criminal justice act policy.  He was arrested around 11 pm at the scene of another alleged sexual assault.  He is now facing 14 counts of sexual assault and 2 account of criminal harassment.  The more than dozen assaults date all the way back to the summer.  This could not of been done without the help of the women police officers who went undercover.  The women went undercover late at night, luckily none of them were hurt as they could of easily been the subject of another sexual assault.  

I personally am very happy that the the boy was finally caught.  The fact that he is now of the streets and is no longer scaring women all around the downtown Toronto area must make a lot of people feel safer in there community.  I think the women in the police force did a great job, by putting them selves at risk and going undercover is an extremely hard thing to do.  The women stood there ground and are the primary reason this man was caught and token off the street of Toronto.  I think its very sad that there are still women being attacked like this, i think its sad that such a young boy had already damaged a large portion of his life by making a mistake as largely as this one.  

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