Thursday 18 October 2012

Man held in NYC plot to blow up Federal Reserve

This article talks about a Bangladesh man who was arrested yesterday after an elaborate FBI sting on Wednesday after attempting to blow up a fake car bomb outside the federal reserve building in Manhattan.  before carrying out the alleged terrorism plot he went to a warehouse to help assemble a 1,000 thousand pound bomb using inert material, He also asked the and undercover agent to video tape him saying " we will not stop until we attain victory or matrimony".  The agent then grabbed the man, armed with a cellphone said to be used as a detonator.  

"Attempting to destroy a landmark building and kill or maim untold numbers of innocent bystanders is about as serious as the imagination can conjure

was said by the FBI lead official.  

I personally think that what is going on between America and other middle eastern countries is horrible, it should never come to attacks against another country that will hurt important landmarks or will hurt innocent civilians in the process.  What is happening between these two countries needs to stop because it is not leading to anything positive and is only going to tear the two countries farther apart.  By doing this they are purposely putting civilians in danger and purposely attempting to damage important landmarks.  

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