Tuesday 16 October 2012

Amanda Todd memorials planned across Canada

This article talks about a girl by the name of Amanda Todd that died last Wednesday as a victim of bullying and suicide.   Approximately 60 people attended her Memorial at Vancouver park Monday evening.  This is just one of the many memorials that the family has planed to give thanks to all the people across Canada that have shown support to Amanda and her family.  An outpouring of emotion has followed her death, as over 100 Facebook pages have been made to show support for her and her family.  This single teens death has brought incredible attention to people of all ages about bullying, the affects of bullying and how it can affect a person and there family life.  On Monday the internet hacking and activist group anonymous published the name and address of Vancouver area man that alleged was bullying and preying on Amanda via the internet. This man has made himself the target on Facebook, Twitter and other media sights.  The RCMP is now watching over the internet to make sure that the man is safe.  

I personally have mixed emotions about the whole thing, i feel that it truly is a horrible thing what happened to this young girl and the way it ended.  I also like the whole universe has handed the situations and how people have shown tremendous amount of support to Amanda and her family.  I personally do not like how the family is having funerals all around Canada, i personally think they should have kept it within in the family and friends.  I think it is a good that the man bullying Amanda was found but i do not think it was right to release the name, by doing this you have now put another life into an incredibly unsafe position and he is now facing death threats threw all of the social media sights.  I think the RCMP is doing the right thing by monitoring the social media action and making sure this man is not in danger and not a potential victim.  

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