Friday 12 October 2012

B.C. girl's suicide foreshadowed by video

This article talks about a young girl from B.C that committed suicide after posting a video showing how she was bulled and tormented by using flash cards a couple days ago.  Amanda Todd's video "cry for help" was posted in earlier September, you tube took it down following her death.  She doesn't talk throughout the video, instead she uses flash cards to get her message across, this is a tactic that has been used a lot lately.  This whole problem started when a unknown man webcam ed her, the man convinced the girl to flash him on webcam.  The man later blackmailed her, by posting and sending her picture around, ruining her total reputation.  Amanda ran from school to school and city to city but the pictures kept on reappearing, at one point she switched schools, made new friends all for the man to come back and send her new friends the photo.  Following her suicide, the whole social media world went nuts, there were post of sympathy and post of  hate.

I personally hate reading a story like this, it truly is quite saddening to hear of such a young girl that died at such a young age.  The saddest part of this all is she wanted to die, she figured being dead would be better than how her life is now.  It really amazes me how someone could get bullied so bad and so often to the point where they even contemplate suicide.  It really must hurt to be someone that made this girls life such a living hell.  I really hope bullying stops once and for all because this is really just one of the many examples of people ether loosing there lives or hating there lives do to other people being involved with another persons 

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