Tuesday 2 October 2012

Massive fuel plant fire in Winnipeg under control

This article talks about a massive fire that tore through a racing fuel plant on Monday.  The police stated they had to have an emergency evacuation for over 100 nearby houses.  The fire caused huge amounts of black smoke and an chemical smell carried on to the next day in the nearby areas.  The fire caused many roads to be blocked therefore causing huge amounts of traffic.  homes withing 1 kilometer radius of the fire had to be evacuated due to precautionary reasons.  it wasn't until mid day Tuesday that the residences were allowed to move back into there homes.  Some of the reasons for the delays was to due with the fact that the racing fuel had a lot of unknown flammable chemicals that could have made the fire worse.  residences were told not to worry about the smog because it was not dangerous.  Fire fighters never entered the fire because there was worries about an explosion, this is the biggest fire in the last 25 years of Winnipeg history.  There was no injuries reported so far. 

I believe that the town on Winnipeg is actually very lucky.  For a fire to be as big as it was and for no one to be hurt truly is a great thing.  It really must have been a sad day and a hard day for all people that had to leave there residence and to the people that may have lost there house.  One interesting thing i really found interesting was how the fire fighters did  not try and stop the fire, they actually stayed out for precautionary reason and just let it burn out.  I think that is a great call, you should never put the firefighters life at great risk if you know there is dangerous presented to them.  

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